


MindBeWell’s vision touches two realms that are inherently connected: Tools to measure personal Well-Being and the underlying model of human Well-Being. The tools are the immediate focus of MindBeWell.


The model serves as a guide but is not a dogma; practical use will always have priority. It will allow for customization of priorities within the objective and subjective measures of Well-Being. This is where MindBeWell’s MBREO Well-Being model differs from other models which make strong and sometimes inflexible assumptions as to what a person’s “Wellbeing”, “Happiness”, or “Life Satisfaction” is supposed to be about.


That’s not to say that MindBeWell wants to reinvent the wheel, it’s quite the opposite. MBREO will take existing models into account that have shown some strength and consistency. Moreover, it will evolve further over time, thanks to a reinforcing feedback loop. Collaboration with organizations working on similar type of wellbeing or happiness models are strongly considered.


MindBeWell is a sponsor of a Senior Capstone Project at the University of Colorado. The goal of this project is to develop a demo-prototype to highlight the vision and future product capabilities of MindBeWell.



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